The WPForms journals are ready to be translated and added to the LNG websites!!
Here is the 3 journal forms that will be used for all the Courses, please go and have a look at what the journals will look like:
HopeAtLast: 💔 My Restoration Journey Notes –
LoveAtLast: 💗 My Abundant Life Journey Notes –
HomeGrownMinistries:🌱 HGM IOU Journal Assignment –
📌To TRL the journals for each LNG, please make a copy of the following document:
***Please note, there is only one document to be translated for all 3 journals since all the questions are the same. We will copy the Course and Lesson names from the websites.
📌When you are done translating the form, please share it with your SrADM who will import the form and make the neccesary changes.
📌 The form link will be added to the DTI: from where the JrADM will be called in.
📌 The JrADM must test the form and see if any corrections need to be made. Inform the SrADM of any corrections needed in the DTI conversation.
📌 After the form is tested and corrected, the LNG minister will be called in to "sign it off".
📌 Once it is signed off, it can be linked to all the lessons.
Thank you Adina for all your hard work
So much lighter and easier. I enjoy the new way to journal much better.
Ladies, let’s just wait a bit with translating the journals, we will come back to you as soon as He leads.