Hello, my name is Adina and I live in South Africa. I am RMI's Vice Chancellor for RMIOU.com and RMIOUFT.com. I'm also Ministry Administrator for Afrikaans and 🇳🇱Dutch.

My restoration journey began when I found RMI after my divorce was already filed. I finally had reached a point where I just gave up on her marriage, but God spoke to me, placing a desire in my heart to believe God for restoration. My Abundant Life Journey began when I found true love at last, and then became the L@L minister.

My passion is helping women in SA and around the world who are suffering— to find the peace and assurance that I found by becoming His bride.

I am currently a Level 4 PM "Practicing Minister".
☊ Adina's Audio BIO in English
Adina's Bio in English
Adina's Bio in Afrikaans
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~ Erin Thiele is the founder of Restore Ministries International and the author of most of our books documenting her extensive Restoration Journey over three decades.

In late 2023, Erin began offering her ministries as LMF to the women who had been working as RMI’s Ministry Team Members so they could work independently, though as One Body with the other LMFs. This has allowed Erin to focus on writing and overseeing her 38 Ministry Branches 🌿on dozens of Websites Digital Cloud Properties she built over the course of 33 years.

Even though Erin is no longer ministering after passing the torch to RMIOU Graduates and the passionate Ministers currently being trained, she smiles at the future, anticipating what her Beloved has in store for her.

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