🎙️🎧LMF Podcast “Other Exciting Changes”


  1. BOD nonprofit MONTHLY to comply with US govt. >>
  2. Weekly Fellowship LMF replacing with praise = PODCAST, post on TPR
    1. sharing PRAISE
    2. followed by discussing LMF topics connects to larger wLL or PM not just come away with more.
  3. LMF have your own podcast like mine wLL or RYR, anything you're going through. Less TEACHING and more TESTIMONY what you learned, what He's showing you. More PERSONAL.
    1. Yvonne share history of fellowships DECLINED with general praises.
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27 thoughts on “🎙️🎧LMF Podcast “Other Exciting Changes””

  1. So, I said in the Podcast that we will have a monthly BOD and weekly LMF, but He has not shown me which day it would be. I will be sure to speak with my Husband and then share it in another podcast as soon as He leads. ❤️

  2. Hahaha, one more thing, Keziah just asked in a WSP if we will bring the fellowships back and I just wanted to bring a question here and leave a comment for you all the SSG about and let me know what He is showing you so we can get it all out there on our blogs.
    I asked Atarah the following:
    Atarah you will see in today’s podcast for Erin and me, we asked the ministers to speak to Him about doing fellowships. That would be up to you to arrange it all. Maybe leaving it on your website as a praise. We did discuss it being a fellowship with purpose like we use to have, pertaining to a lesson or something. The ladies that attend also need to know that it will be available as a podcast on your website.
    Maybe what you can do Atarah, is talk to Him and see, lets’s say you do a podcast on a specific lesson for WW, you can always add in the post. Ladies, please read through the lesson, I will have an open zoom on it on this day then make like a weekly time that you will get on zoom and maybe just add the zoom link in the post and say, that the ladies must please show their face in order for you to allow them to stay on so you can make sure the space is safe for everyone. Something like that. Do you think that is too risky?

    1. Having a link in the open on the blog.. I’m not too sure.. Will have to SG🙏🏼 to find the best way where there’s not too much admin and it’s not difficult for women to attend 🙏🏼having their camera off always felt unsafe for me when I did not know who it was..

      1. To confirm, my Husband never told me, nor did He tell Yvonne the camera was OFF during a fellowship… it is unsafe. Posting it as a PODCAST means using just the audio to post, which we’ve done and made clips from in the past.
        As far as providing a link right on the blog, I say that’s a NO as well.
        My Husband led me to search this to understand more using zoom.
        To add users to your event’s private guest list by email:
        Select the Invite attendees by email addresses check box.
        Click + Add users. …
        Under Add users by, select Enter email addresses.
        In the Invited Users, select Enter email addresses.
        In the Invited Users text box, enter the users’ email addresses.
        Click Save.
        AND this confirms you MUST invite only those who are coming to discuss the topic selected for that series of podcasts…
        Because, I’ll be honest, I’m probably not going to listen to any podcast unless I know what the topic is, so that’s why this must be presented BEFORE offering it on your blog and asking to attend.
        We have only discussed the PM using w@h and this gets me and it got so many other women excited. https://encouragingwomen.org/ministers-wh-weekly-fellowship/

    2. Yvonne, my Husband had me read Atarah’s comment first, and then comment. But what He just spoke to me about was “To add users to your event’s private guest list by email,” and those emails would be gathered by DOING the lesson and filling out the SHORTENED lesson form. This also helps women prepare for what they’re going to say.

  3. Thank you ladies for the Podcast, it was such a confirmation about the topics for the Fellowships because I saw the same Yvonne experienced in the past. The brides sharing testimonies about their lessons were more encouraged when someone else shared something different that was taught by their HH through the same lesson.
    Unfortunately, I have not seeing a lot of comments in the FRA blog but I saw the ladies were reading the posts and it was what happened in the past, which my Husband reminded me how everything started and it was through the Fellowships. Let me share what He guided me to do with a bridge to Telegram RF in case He is calling you to do something similar.


    1. Fellowships are coming but with so new guidelines for LMF, so be sure we all share it here so we are moving as ONE, ONE SOURCE.
      As far as readers but not commenting. My Husband told me to that we need to only POST what we have been fed by, then share what we experienced SHORT SHORT SHORT and ask for comments with the link to that resource.
      When we first began posting, we had everything neatly packaged (still packaged) and some of these scheduled packaged blog posts are still going on. We need to LET GO of these, and then post only what’s fresh and was fed to US and then share that, ending with “what about you” or “what do you think” …
      In addition, if you know who’s reading why not say their name in the post and draw them out personally? Let us know Poppy…
      LATER in this conversation, Anasastasia, you left the link to your next FELLOWSHIP that has NO topic just open PRAISE, which we no longer want the LMF to be doing based on FRUITS.

  4. Me again:) When a comment comes into your inbox, are you able to see the IP address and email from the person that commented? The reason I am asking this is it seems that only administration profile can see this when I am looking at what WordPress is saying, I just want to confirm if this is indeed the case.

    1. Thank you for the updates, Yvonne dear, I can see the IP address in my inbox when someone comments on my post, but can it be because I am an admin?

  5. I am back here, yes, I am working on the TUR page to make sure it is open on the Blog. I am searching for the payment, and I see some places apple and google pay can be used, but some places say it is not. So let me check with my Husband, but I just want to share where I am searching, so you all can have a look.


    I agree about the purpose of the fellowships, and I do remember how much one lady could encourage others just by sharing what she has learned. But one thing that I also like to ask is if it is possible to use the milestones and the testimonies also since they all have the lessons as principles 🙂


    And I love this new way without Mailchimp, Mailpoet is great, today I was able to update the PTG Blog http://encorajamento.org/.

    The TUR Blog is also updated with the subscriber, but I still need to do some updates 🙂 I could not change the home page to open the blog, not sure why, if anyone can help that will be great 🙂 https://sonundaumutvar.com/blog/

  6. Thanks for the video & info. I’m excited to see how He leads us with the fellowships.. I agree it definitely started dwindling. When we did lessons the ladies really grew in their journey and moved forward. I agree we definitely need ask Him about a new name instead of “Newsletter” something more exciting.

  7. Thank you for the information. I agree with Sara!! Milestones can be very good to share in the fellowships!

    I am excited because the Podcast and Fellowships were confirmation for me 🥰. PTL 🙌 because ESP was so blessed with the participation of many women when we shared lessons, and when we shared testimonies, our fellowships were growing in both cases 🙌🙌🙌.

    He led me to start our fellowships this Sunday, we announce it today afternoon https://elanimador.com/regresan-las-reuniones-de-companerismo-🥳/. We will use Telegram just to send reminders of the Fellowships we will use the same message and reschedule it when the meeting is done to remind the next meeting it will help us and the women too.

    I want to share that He is leading me to start a new blog for young women, we have groups on Whatsapp for them, and in agreement with His leading to bring all to light I want to start to work on it with Poppy, are you agree Poppy? We have videos and pictures ready to be shared in this new project for young and teens women!! And Victoria has been so faithful in sharing in these groups!

    1. Yes my dear Anastasia, I am in agreement with the Blog for the young ladies. He showed me a new plugin to create a second blog page in the same website, but He also reminded me about the option in Profile Grid. I will be doing a few tests on this because instead of adding this new plugin (premium addons) let´s see if He has something better for us using the profile Grid.

      1. Poppy I just LOVE YOU and your enthusiasm for all things ADM but you know what matters more to ME and to your HUSBAND? You healing and that’s going to happen with more ministering. Him ministering to you, you using that to minister to everyone else.
        It’s difficult because you are SO GOOD at Administrative, but I just care too much for you and a person, a bride, His bride, my friend who needs healing.
        You’re not the only one who is becoming more administrative and this means I too (Yvonne too) is being pulled away from honeymooning to admin, which is heavy and tiring.
        I get that there are administrative things to get done but let’s picture this:
        Are we busy working like Martha?
        I’m going to not just sit as His feet like Mary, I’m going to snuggle on the couch or in my Costa Rican office, which you introduced to us, Poppy!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

        1. You are so right and I am trusting him for wisdom to keep me more and more on the ministering side which I am enjoying so much. And you made me smile because I am on my Costa Rican office as well.

        2. Oh sorry Erin and Poppy, I felt guilty…
          I felt He is leading me to this new blog and Poppy has the unction to do this kind of thing, but I do not want to put stumbling block to your healing Poppy. Please If He is not calling you to do this and it represents more than 30% ADM work for you, let me know to SG for finding for someone else.

          1. Darling to fall for the enemy’s schemes. No need to feel guilty… Poppy just needs to spend more time ministering, not just in ESP but in FRA and post so much she HAD been posting on EW that was truly ministering.

            You also work more administering, so professional, because you feel you NEED to work. But you don’t. It’s honeymooning, having fun, ministering and everything else will fall into place.
            It’s LETTING GO of the way we used to do everything and coming back from your honeymoon but continuing it now that you’re back.
            JUST RELAX and slow down…

    2. Ananastasia please note:
      3) LMF have your own podcast like mine wLL or RYR, anything you’re going through. Less TEACHING and more TESTIMONY what you learned, what He’s showing you. More PERSONAL.
      Yvonne share history of fellowships DECLINED with general praises.
      And listen to Yvonne https://youtu.be/qQLRojWEB-s?t=1073 because when I went to your post https://elanimador.com/regresan-las-reuniones-de-companerismo-🥳/ it says NOTHING about a course or lesson or anything everyone should be discussing.

  8. Since I can’t hear what you’re saying, I can’t be entirely sure about your recorded podcast, but when I read, “Do you think It wasn’t enough?” EVERYTHING you do is MORE than enough. It’s too much.
    Just because the audio is long, it’s fine IF you’re having fun, not trying to teach, and enjoying yourself. That’s what we hope to spread across all our LMFs.

    YES this is PERFECT:
    🥳🥳🥳I’m so excited!! I can’t wait to see you again and share our praises live and live I have missed you all so much!!

    Sundays are always hard to join but on Wednesday I’ll be there if my Beloved allows it!!
    This Sunday we will begin by sharing praises about the Living Lesson 1 https://esperanzaalfin.com/lecciones-vivientes/semana-1-lo-que-sea-que-ella-hace-ella-prospera/

    This time we will be blessing DOUBLE by sharing the audios of our fellowships in a podcast on YouTube and on this blog!!! So make sure to use your New Name and don’t worry about the camera because we won’t post the video but we want to see his faces glowing with love for Him!!

    If you don’t have a New Name, it’s your time to ask your Husband!! Here you can get more information: https://esperanzaalfin.com/cursos/c1/nn/

    Remember to join the Telegram group where we will send you meeting reminders along with the links!

    I hope to see you soon.


  9. I am glad I come here and read everything that was shared🙌 We were SG about the returning of ours fellowships and there are a lot os insights here, thank you soo much ladies!!!
    About the “newsletter” I guess we can us “Daily mail”, “Daily news” or “Daily menu” 🤔
    This is a wonderful guideline: ” Less TEACHING and more TESTIMONY what you learned, what He’s showing you. More PERSONAL.”
    Last but not least, Sara did a wonderful job at our encorajamento.org, I will post a praise about it in our blog – thank you so much dear Sara💗

  10. Daily Mail has a nice ring to it. Interestingly, my Husband led me to go to the plugin https://www.mailpoet.com/blog/newsletters-welcome-emails-latest-post-notifications/

    When you go to send your first email with MailPoet you’ll notice that there are three main types of email: newsletters, welcome emails, and latest post notifications. But what do these email types mean? When should you use them?

    In this article, I’ll help you figure it all out by exploring what each type of email does and when to use them, plus some of our favorite examples of these email types in action.

    📌 latest post notifications 📌 after reading this, if I had to say, what is the most accurate, and what I would be most interested in signing up for is latest post notifications. However that’s not what each of the different sign ups are doing. Some are more of the newsletter type. So I think we need to be accurate about which one your ministry is using, if we have a recommended to be used, but without a doubt to make sure that it’s clear what you are signing up for.

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