🎙️🎧LMF Podcast “Invoicing”

In today's Podcast, we hope to explain the upcoming and exciting changes with the LMF Sources that will be added to your invoice. We also explain to those who normally invoice on the 15th of the month, how you can simply invoice ONCE and much more!

As always, please comment with your questions and then embrace the WAIT since as brides, know the benefits of waiting. Would a few of you begin by sharing those WAIT promises?

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22 thoughts on “🎙️🎧LMF Podcast “Invoicing””

  1. Thank you for sharing this amazing information!!!
    There ara a lot of ladies that wants to feel His love!!
    I hope there will be an army of ladies, that want to take one of the franchises!!
    It looks amazing about the new changes. Once I try it, I will ask the questions!1

    1. Yes Isabella, I remember this promise from Him!
      The seventh time, he said, “I see a cloud as small as a man’s hand coming up from the sea.” Elijah said, “Go and tell Ahab, ‘Make your war-wagon ready and go down, so that the rain does not stop you.’”

  2. Thanks for all the information shared in this podcast, I share my promise
    “The Lord is my portion, says my soul; therefore I will hope in him.” ❤️

    1. Such a beautiful promise. Perla, I opened up your email today. Please let me know if you are not able to get in. Some of them looks a bit weird, like we cannot see the profile picture on the admin console, so I am not sure if they are all working.

  3. Thank you for today’s Podcast and all the information shared. I leave here my promise :” Our hope is in the Lord; He is our help and our protection.🌻

    1. Another beautiful promise. So my promise I got from Him this year is: I love the Lord, because He has heard
      My voice and my supplications. Because He has inclined His ear to me, Therefore I will call upon Him as long as I live.

  4. Thank you so much for all the information shared about the LFM and how easy would be to start sowing on those that are searching for ministers. Very helpful all the details about the Sponsors.

    1. Yes, Poppy, I will be in touch and share everything with you regarding the French ministry. I was very excited to see the donations there. Cannot wait to see how He leads you.

      1. Yvonne and Poppy my husband brought me back here for the third or fourth time and then I finally saw it when I was just on the dashboard. You mentioned Yvonne you will get with Poppy with everything she needs about the French ministry. Maybe I’m not reading this correctly but please please please please do not privately get with anyone about anything. It must be a post and not burrowing underground.
        “No one lights a lamp 🪔 and then hides it or puts it under a basket 🧺. Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand, where its light can be seen by all who enter the house, those who come may see the light.” L1133
        With everything that we have seen, God doesn’t want us to fool around with what he’s told us to do and it just can’t be ME who will do anything no matter what no matter how difficult no matter how much I don’t understand or how uncomfortable I feel. It has very, very very very tempting to send a WhatsApp send a email tag someone in a Google documents. Avoid this slippery slope at all costs.
        It’s time to rebuild, but if we have to continue to pluck up tear down and remove we may never see everything he has for us.
        Forgive me, if I have totally miss read this comment… As I said yesterday I hope I’m wrong, because then for this foolishness of mine I will be awarded DOUBLE that I will spend on all of you! https://biblehub.com/isaiah/40-2.htm

        1. Thank you Erin for the message. I love seeing all the information up to light in all blogs. I have seeing how easy is to share the brides questions in the blogs for everyone to see and encourage them and I was wondering if this is something we can also do as missionaries? When French ministry was suspended the main office was still getting MEQ and I remember the ENG EV page was updated in order to let go of the MEQ. Two questions: 1- Can we update the EV page to let go of MEQ as well? 2- As a missionary, do we have access to the LMF main office to get questions from brides messages & MEQ to post them on the blog as well?

      2. Thank you Yvonne, I am really excited and I can’t wait to read or watch here the information that He is leading you to putting together for the LMF missionaries.

  5. Thank you for the podcast and all the information shared!! I am so so happy to see French ministry growing!! 🥰🙌 I have a question, I would like to know about Liora, because I saw her in the video when you talk about ESP, is she 100% on ESP team now?
    And on the other hand, Perla is interested on be a missionary for the Italian ministry and we (Poppy and I) agree if you agree too.

    1. I’m so glad you asked!!! This is the beauty of white he has done for us moving forward. The decision on what team Liora is on it’s entirely up to whoever wants her on their team and if Liora feels call to that team. RMI no longer makes those decisions. We might offer recommendations but it’s up to the LMF minister and the ministers themselves.
      Yesterday, Yvonne and I also agreed that using TPR and the ProfileGrid plug-in to establish who is on each team by making the teams closed but by application. This continues to keep us above ground, not hiding our light. But above all much more personalized. Each of you reaching out to who you know and some ministers who have left but are still friends are you wish to bring back as friends working with you. It’s entirely between you and your husband.

      1. Thank you so much Erin for reminding me about team members. I would like to know if we can use the section for messages in Profilgride https://the-praise-report.com/my-profile/?rid=23#pg-messages to communicate with our teams about administrative things that maybe, women do not like to read in the blog.

        I understood my Husband wants to keep all things in the light, which means that we must have every communication directly on the TPR blog, so when it’s something administrative (10%) just for ESP should I share it in TPR like “ESP ADM: Announce” or maybe if you agree in the messages section of Profilgride? Sorry if I am repetitive with this if you shared it and I did not read it or understand. I want to obey to not have communication through WSP. Could help me to clarify it?

        1. My Husband has spoken to me a lot about the plans for ProfileGrid, but I didn’t even know about the messages.
          Ahhh, so to discuss administrative things, finding another underground, behind the scenes, is not something He’s spoken to me about, but the contrary.
          For example, when Yvonne and I realized we did need to explain things to all of you who were returning if we had tried to find another way to hide our light underground, we would never have ventured into doing a podcast that we BOTH are enjoying filming, and I believe all of you are enjoying listening to.
          So I’d say don’t get close to this or anything that is a slippery slope to hiding
          “No one lights a lamp 🪔 and then hides it or puts it under a basket 🧺. Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand, where its light can be seen by all who enter the house, those who come may see the light.” L1133

  6. Thanks so much for all the information 👌 Praise God for His provisions for us all 🙌🏾 My promise:
    “The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him;” L325
    There is some things I’m unsure of but l will ask Him 1st 🙏 this is wonderful information especially for those ministries that don’t have ministers and those who feel led to be missionaries.

  7. Thank you so much for all the information shared 🙂 It is extremely exciting where He is leading us and seeing the LMF.
    “Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!” P2714

  8. Thanks for sharing this info, although, since i didn’t see it before, so I didn’t invoice, it clarifies a Lot. And I do believe more questions will come along the way. But i will learn as I wait for Him.

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