🎓 Certification and Graduation – Rayne Luz

"I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith" 2 Timothy 4:7-8

🎓 Congratulations Rayne

Please congratulate and share a promise with Kateleen who completed all the required lessons and assignments to get certified as an Author.

These Certificates are rewarded to students who are on MTA level on 🎓RMIOU and
completed the lessons and assignment forms for MTAContributor Lessons


👩🏻‍🎓Monthly Certification and Graduation – RMIOUFT.com

📌Please remember to let us know once you completed your Contributor / Author / Editor lessons, email address can be found in the portfolios 📌

2 thoughts on “🎓 Certification and Graduation – Rayne Luz”

  1. English Revised Version
    The Lord giveth the word: the women that publish the tidings are a great host.
    Dearest Rayne 💎
    Congratulations for having all the courses a MTA… And to take this road with our lovely husband as he said we are messengers of the good news..
    Wish you a best trip with our heavenly husband.

  2. Parabéns querida Rayne!🌷
    Que nosso Amado continue guiando e fortalecendo você. Lembre-se desta promessa Dele para você:
    “O Senhor dirige os passos dos piedosos. Ele se deleita com cada detalhe de suas vidas. Embora tropecem, nunca cairão, pois o Senhor os segura pela mão.” Sl34:23-24
    Continue 💕
    Congratulations dear Rayne!🌷
    May our Beloved continue to guide and strengthen you. Remember this promise from Him to you:
    “The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the Lord holds them by the hand.” Ps34:23-24
    Much love to you 💕

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