My need of a Proofreader!!

Hello my sweet brides, today I come here to boast about my weakness!! I make so many mistakes when I write in ENG, and even though I try to do my best and double check my grammar, I still write with so many mistakes that is awful.

Today I did it again, HGM โ€œTeaching our Children to Cope with Social Standarsโ€ P1, I missed the "d" on Standard!! ๐Ÿ˜ช
My sweet dear Erin has been helping me and while seeking the Lord, He lead us to find this app:

I used to have this but got unistalled from my computer and it got an option for my "who team" that might be worth the investment because English is not our first language!!

Please seek Him to see if we could invest together!!

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2 thoughts on “My need of a Proofreader!!”

  1. Dear Isabella, I identify SO MUCH with your weakness because I share it with you on a higher level than you! I usually use Grammarly in the free version ๐Ÿ™‚ Can’t use the free version or is it too basic?

  2. How wonderful that we can boast about our weaknesses, even though I am ENG speaking and it’s my mother tongue even I can make mistakes, I used to use Grammarly but I don’t have it anymore either. thanks for reminder!

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