Protective Parameters and Safety Fences

Just in case you missed a comment I left, and to share some thing. My husband reminded me of that I discussed briefly with Yvonne, I’m going to post it again here.

Yvonne and Poppy my husband brought me back here for the third or fourth time and then I finally saw it when I was just on the dashboard. You mentioned Yvonne you will get with Poppy with everything she needs about the French ministry. Maybe I’m not reading this correctly but please please please please do not privately get with anyone about anything. It must be a post and not burrowing underground.

“No one lights a lamp 🪔 and then hides it or puts it under a basket 🧺. Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand, where its light can be seen by all who enter the house, those who come may see the light.” L1133

With everything that we have seen, God doesn’t want us to fool around with what he’s told us to do and it just can’t be ME who will do anything no matter what no matter how difficult no matter how much I don’t understand or how uncomfortable I feel. It has very, very very very tempting to send a WhatsApp send a email tag someone in a Google documents. Avoid this slippery slope at all costs.

It’s time to rebuild, but if we have to continue to pluck up tear down and remove we may never see everything he has for us.

Forgive me, if I have totally miss read this comment… As I said yesterday I hope I’m wrong, because then for this foolishness of mine I will be awarded DOUBLE that I will spend on all of you!

In addition, before this post comment, Anastasia asked about Liora, and what team she was going to be on when I explained that it is entirely up to the LMF minister and Liora. This is one of the freedoms and luxuries of having your own ministry, and working with your husband to build it, and maintain it to allow for growth.

At the same time, there need to be certain stipulations to protect RMI and assure everyone who is called to be ministered by us is kept safe, which means protective fences.

Seeing ourselves as shepherds, feeding and guiding sheep, HIS sheep, and precious lambs, we need to be sure that we are following His guidelines that he has established since RMI is his – – not mine, not yours – – RMI and everything is his.

There is no way you could have been part of RMI very long without witnessing that I am completely all in, and he knows and you should know that I will do anything he leads me to do. Having my entire heart HE has brought me this far and him keeping me for 32 years in my position. I am not foolish enough to think that I could stray from this or pull back that or lean to reason anything he has asked me to do.

One fence that he has spoken to me about is our tendency towards secrecy, that was mislabeled as being discreet.

Therefore RMI will soon be imposing a fine (that will be deducted from your invoices) for secrecy and failure to discuss and plan in the open. In posted praise and comments. Honestly, to me, and as I told my husband, it seems impossible to impose primarily because how would I know if there are ongoing texting or private emails that should be shared with everyone so everyone has the opportunity to grow and learn? Of course, my husband knows, and my husband had assured me it’s not my problem. But by RMI  having a fine established—it will help to encourage and protect those of you who have a heart and desire to do the right thing to be much more careful. He reminded me that in the past, I lovingly reminded and reminded and reminded everyone to follow the instructions on RMIOU but no one did and now it’s been shut down, which makes it very difficult for us to utilize what this ministry was intended to be.

This is in no way just on Poppy as the prior dean of RMIOU. If anyone is responsible, it has to be me. I obviously am not the leader I need to be, or I must have failed to be as insistent as I should have been.

Thankfully I can and have claimed double and the first blessing is an opportunity to post about my weakness, and also to use as an example and a reminder how important it is to stay in the center of the narrow road. To stay away from the slippery slope, because you never know when it becomes a cliff and you fall away. We do believe everyone is here for a season, but I also believe some haven’t remained for as long as was His, and certainly my desire.

So now stop to speak to your husband and if you have anything that you’d like to add to help encourage us all to make it our heart's desire to not make excuses or conjure up a reason not to do everything he is asking us to do that ultimately will absolutely without a doubt NEED HIS HELP then please leave it in the comments.

These parameters are intended to force you to need him, and to need him more and more and more and more. Most of us are not on a restoration journey, so it’s no longer painful, which forces us to stay close to him. That’s why he has lovingly created these difficulties so that we are drawn closer to him, working with him because, once again, RMI and everything associated is HIS.

Let me close by saying that I am honored and beyond excited to see that each of you have been given such a beautiful gift to be able to build and help others build their own ministries that are an extension of his own heart ❤️ .

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2 thoughts on “Protective Parameters and Safety Fences”

    1. Yes I agree on that thought, I have to say that I don’t get to get in as often as I’d want to and having the subscription with my office email and not my ministering one avoided me from getting the notification of emails or updates on my phone so I also subscribed with that one so i can be on top of everything to time now. And I have to say If i hadn’t come back and read each one for the week i wouldn’t have notice that through here is where we are communicating entirely and like Erin mentioned now we are hiding here.

      But He will guide us to do what’s best.

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