Thankful for every donation, offering given!

Hi Ladies

This morning l was speaking to my Husband about the donations and offerings l have received for Hope At Last and l was just asking Him if l should leave a comment to ask about sending out Thank You’ds but my Husband said to me no.. post it as a PRAISE.

Now that l have the access to see all the donations l have received in my office every time l see a donation received and WHO it is from I’m just SO SO thankful!!

Is there a set Thank You that we as LMF need to use that’s already been set up or done by the ministry? Or is this something our Husband to help us with?

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4 thoughts on “Thankful for every donation, offering given!”

  1. Hey Atarah, I just received thank you emails for donations I made through the buttons. But I agree, we are grateful for each donation πŸ’

  2. Yes, donor tools have an automation. We can still SSG to see if He would want you to send something. Let’s see what He says.

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