Keep It Simple

When I did a little research into what we purchased when it got the ProfileGrid, I saw they have 3 main plugins which is ProfileGrid, RegistrationMagic and EventPrime and each of those plugins has about 15+ different plugins, with ProfileGrid in the lead with maybe 55 if I can remember correctly. I could not find the licenses which we usually have plugins and where to register our sites, because usually if we purchase a plugin that is what is needed to activate the extra features.

Immediately I felt overwhelmed because I had no idea what we would need and after wasting hours of time, I went to Him and He reminded me not to overcomplicate things and to Keep it Simple.

Ladies, if you are testing out ProfileGrid and you see we something specific, then let me know and we can download it and install it. Here is the link to the website.


Follow His lead and please remember to Praise Him and add a video for the rest of us to follow on

I am just amazed at how He leads us. Hahahaha, I can certainly see the difference between trying to please people by getting the answers they need vs just asking Him and letting go. โค๏ธ

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3 thoughts on “Keep It Simple”

  1. Thank you Yvonne will do! I also just asked Him to show me why there was nowhere to close the pop-up on Hope At Last.. it was there.. so simple but I could not see it then He showed me the close button settings.. I had it on the wrong one!

    Oh I was so glad!! You are so right! We can sit for hours wasting soooo much time looking for something when we must just ASK and let go! We do not have because we do not ASK. We will waste time and get frustrated if we do not ASK.

  2. That is true!!! I was creating the youth blog yesterday using the profile grid and it was interesting how He is leading!!
    I will share a praise report on this later!!

  3. Hello Yvonne, when I try to download the Mailpoet extension it takes me to a page where I must buy it for $0.00, but you must still fill in a lot of billing details…

    When I tried this extension “Multiple Group Managers” it says I can “Download this extension as part of ProfileGrid Premium Bundle.” with no billing details or anything.

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