Blog Post Training – QA

Today I would like for you, as RMIOU students, to please ask any questions regarding WorPress Blog post training (MTA, MTI and MTR) so I can Seek God to help you to gain a better understanding of the concepts.

If you are a new student, please start at the MTA lessons to learn how to build and link posts. Please ask any questions regarding the lessons in the comment section below the video lesson or in the assignment form.

For a full list of the lessons so far, please go to WordPress Blog Post Training.

Please ask any questions in the comment section below.

Next: Administrator, WordPress Plugins, WordPress Forms.


5 thoughts on “Blog Post Training – QA”

  1. Olá queridas.
    Gostaria de saber se minhas lições do MTA, se eu as fiz corretamente, ou se devo faze lo de novo.

    Eu gosto muito de ser aprendiz, porque posso postar comentário, vincular Links, e ajudar outras mulheres, quero muito passar para o MTI, ou encorajar nos outros blogs. E possível Adina?

    Hello darlings.
    I would like to know if I did my MTA lessons correctly, or if I should do it again.

    I really like being an apprentice, because I can post comments, link Links, and help other women. I really want to pass it on to MTI, or encourage it on other blogs. Is it possible Adina?

    1. Dear Lessyane, as soon as you completed 7 courses ( RMIOU Level 2 MTI “Minister Team Intern” Students become an intern once they have completed 7 of our courses.
      Your WordPress profile is linked to your RMIOU level, so if you are on RMIOU MTI level, you will be moved up to WordPress as “Editor”.
      MTI = Editor, hope it makes sense my dear?

      Prezada Lessyane, assim que você concluiu 7 cursos ( RMIOU Nível 2 MTI “Estagiário da Equipe de Ministros” Os alunos tornam-se estagiários depois de concluírem 7 de nossos cursos.
      Seu perfil WordPress está vinculado ao seu nível RMIOU, portanto, se você estiver no nível RMIOU MTI, você será movido para WordPress como “Editor”.
      MTI = Editor, espero que faça sentido meu caro?

  2. Estoy aquí y mi Amado me ha guiado a iniciar desde el curso 1. Siento que para mí es volver a ese encuentro con El desde el inicio del viaje. Estuve pensando mucho esto pero ahora siento firme esa convicción. Así que estaré enviando mis diarios, ya no como aquella mujer rota y deshecha por la crisis matrimonial, si no más bien como un alma que desea pasar de nuevo por ese entrenamiento por El, abrazar de nuevo sus promesas que son un balsamo y vitaminas para la vida misma.
    Mi corazón late con fuerza al pasar de nuevo y solo le sonrió y es como escucharle decir , te acuerdas cuando te lo dije ? Que un día pasaría el dolor, que volvería a sonreír. Veo su fidelidad, si alguien es fiel es El.

    I am here and my Beloved has guided me to start from course 1. I feel that for me it is returning to that encounter with Him from the beginning of the journey. I was thinking about this a lot but now I feel that conviction firm. So I will be sending my diaries, no longer as that woman broken and undone by the marital crisis, but rather as a soul that wants to go through that training again for Him, to embrace again His promises that are a balm and vitamins for life itself.
    My heart pounds as I pass by again and I just smiled at him and it’s like hearing him say, do you remember when I told you? That one day the pain would pass, that I would smile again. I see his faithfulness, if anyone is faithful it is Him.

  3. Gostaria de saber se os diários que escrevo, após às lições que estudo, estão corretos?

    I would like to know if the journals I write after the lessons I study are correct?

    1. Dear Agate, there is no wrong or right way to complete your journals. Your journals are for you to pour out your heart to the Lord with what He showed you and what you’ve learned in the lessons. And your journals count towards your RMIOU courses. Does that make sense?

      Caro Agata, não há maneira errada ou certa de completar seus diários. Seus diários são para você derramar seu coração ao Senhor com o que Ele lhe mostrou e o que você aprendeu nas lições. E seus diários contam para seus cursos RMIOU. Isso faz sentido?

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