Bridges or an Island?

We have been ENCOURAGING you to be sure you LINK to or BRIDGE to the Source, but what if you could begin remembering that each blog post and lesson begins as an ISLAND, so before leaving, ask your Husband to show you how to build bridges TO and FROM your posts and each of your lessons.

Take this as an example my Husband led me to do.

Isabella is beginning a new RYR series, but would a woman who is studying that L@L course KNOW there's a video series unless they go to HGM? Probably not.

Following my Husband, I assumed where it might go on However, I instantly saw Isabella is on the back of the book, so He led me to add it there first. Isabella RESTORED in Costa Rica Follow me #HGM_RYR videos. 

It's also next to Chapter 1, but here's where I need to stop because I am only the pioneer and encouraging, teaching, and training each of you for your own ministries. Both Isabella and Adina also need to speak to their Husband—then we can see what actually works the best to solidify the protocol so we all remain ONE under Him.

Please let us know how He leads you to take what you've learned, speak to your Husband to DO (James 1:22-23) what I've shown to you, then comment—excited to see how He wants us to view our work more as Bridge Builders. *Note how sweet my Husband is that He had me lead by example with 5 bridges (also that if you navigate OFF a website, it should open to a new window!

UPDATE: Hahaha, I should have read the "RYR series POST" first and begun listening because it's Adina, not Isabella. But I do LOVE being able to "boast about my weaknesses" and share this key promise "One who gives an answer before he hears, It is foolishness and shame to him." So true! Adina, I will leave the cleanup to you—so you can work with your Husband and get it where it fits.

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4 thoughts on “Bridges or an Island?”

  1. “More important than ourselves” or our own ministries. Be sure you focus on helping each other.

    It’s part of Working as ONE. My Husband led me to take a moment to LINK, opening the bridge to the document Yvonne has posted

    We all know by now that a post doesn’t automatically create links (but it does beautifully insert the YouTube video). So based on what God says about thinking of others;NLT;CEV;ERV;TLB
    I need to open and link it for her because I care about Yvonne and her ministry just as I care for all of you!!!

  2. Thank you so much, Erin.❤ Ladies, together with what Erin said here, I also want to remind you of something Erin left for Isabella which I am sure Isabella will explain in more detail when she leaves her praise.
    Please remember to have ONE location and then only link to that location instead of having something in more than one location. Here is an example:
    Looking at, Isabella has a page for this, which means when she posts the daily blog, it will be only the link and maybe if there is something that touched her heart, she will quote it, but she will not add the whole devotional to the post, she will add the link, like you see on today’s blog:

    Now there is only ONE location with links that bridges to that location.

    1. Oh, Yvonne, THANK YOU!! I see this on some of the social media pages, so it actually stops them from looking at the full post because you’ve left enough of a snack and they’re ready to keep snacking rather than sitting down and being fed by a full meal.

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