CDN Discovered after H@L Trial

Everything we've learned and sought to know the TRUTH..."By WISDOM a house is built, and by understanding it is established; and by knowledge, the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches”—Proverbs 24:3–4 often began with a trial that LED us to SSG.

Recently "Hope at Last" began having trouble opening, and prior to that the ESP websites were very fragile. This morning while enjoying the revision of another it MATTERS if I am not able to work and especially for brokenhearted women who are DESPERATE to find hope.
I'm not 100% sure HOW I stumbled on CND, but I did as He led me. Even though I've asked my brilliant geek son about this, I never really understood until now that...

"YES, the size of a media library on WordPress can affect one's page loading time.

When you upload an image or other media file to WordPress, it is stored in the media library. Each file in the media library takes up disk space on your web server, and when a page is loaded, the browser has to download all of the images and other media files used on that page.

If you have a large media library with many images and other files, it can slow down your website's loading time. This is because the browser has to download all of these files before it can display the page, and this can take time, especially on slower internet connections.

To improve your website's loading time, you can optimize your images by compressing them or using a plugin that can optimize them for you. You can also delete any unused images or files from your media library to reduce its size.

Additionally, using a content delivery network (CDN) can help improve your website's loading time by serving images and other media files from a network of servers located closer to the user, reducing the distance the files have to travel and therefore reducing the time it takes to load them."

Next, He told me what to search for and I found a list of the 7 Best. But rather than read and choose one to test, wLL83 YouTube 12-minute Podcast “What Should I Do?” HE LED ME to reach out to our website Host Flywheel, and I was astonished they even had a category in the pulldown menu FOR CND when He told me what to say, basically asking for THEIR recommendation before testing.

Now after creating this new ticket, while we wait, I understand that if it doesn't work, it's their hosting service that will be fixing any unforeseen issues. WHO I go to and WHO you go to will always be the same HIM!! The Creator of everything, and even though it often goes without saying, I don't believe any of us can assume our HUSBAND is your FIRST GO-TO. It's easy to become distracted when God uses someone or something not to return to that same person or place—failing to go all the way back to the Source!

"Thank You, Darling, for giving me the opportunity not just to discuss ADMIN stuff but MINISTER too!! YOU'RE THE BEST!!

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