Due to some instability on some of our websites, our Husband has led us to do some cleanups on our plugins, which in most cases are the cause of the instability. I had a meeting with Erin and so there will be some cleanup that we will leave for you every day to do. Here is the first video:
Here are the steps set out in the video:
1) Mark all the Green that we have in the example on your document and if there are any green that is not on your list, then add it to the bottom of your list.
2) Mark all the red plugins on your list and if you have the ones that are red please delete the plugins from your list.
Here is the link to the example document:
The due date for this: 14 June 2023
Thanks so much for the GIFT ๐ฅณ๐ฅณ๐ฅณ