Correction and Training

I also had emailed Erin privately because I had taken some of her content from RYR and changed things around to coincide with drugs/alcohol. I don’t want it to be considered plagiarized and wanted to get the okay with her first. I’m sorry I kept going back and forth and should have listened closely to No one lights a lamp, then hides it in a drawer. ๐Ÿ˜Š

Here is my email:

Erin I was not for sure if this is something I should post on the blog but i have a site in progress. I have changed some wording from your RYR book to correspond with how to respond if a loved one has a drug habit. It’s a mess right now but before going any further I need to check with you to make sure it’s ok? ? Hopefully it will let you view since it’s not published. Here is the google link if I am doing it correctly.

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8 thoughts on “Correction and Training”

  1. Hope, itโ€™s quite beautiful ๐Ÿคฉ

    Regarding plagiarism, using an authors work, He is the Author. However using anything and everything from our websites is what we hope is the foundationโ€”then make it your own!! Read and add as He Leads. More promises and more of YOU and YOUR Testimony making it even more powerful ๐Ÿคฉ Use a different font color so itโ€™s easy to for you and everyone to see so you can, at the same timeโ€”encourage more of our brides to be brave too!!
    This means silencing the enemy whose favorite scheme is false guilt and in running to rather than awayโ€” just LOOK how GOD has used this posted praise for GOOD!! Iโ€™m not sure where but this info is going on RMIOU for building websitesโ€ฆ
    Is this a GOOGLE site?!? Itโ€™s beautifully professional.

    Interject more of YOU and the uniqueness of your ministry.

    Note: your opening promise is to Men and Women. We encourage women to minister and teach to ONLY women and children, never men.

    Soooo very excited

  2. Iโ€™m back with another hat ๐ŸŽฉ on haha RADDโ€”your LOGO was so professional looking I almost missed it.
    May I suggest using a png to allow the background to come through? It may mean the logo color changes. Remember light background dark logo and vice versa.

  3. Yes itโ€™s a Google site. I really have no idea what Iโ€™m doing, Iโ€™ve just let Him guide me around, searching and finding. ๐Ÿ˜Š
    I will look into the PNG file for the logo after I leave my sons ballgame. I was searching through Canva yesterday trying to figure that info out. Thanks for guiding me!

  4. Thanks ๐Ÿฅฐ I’m learning and it’s progressing little by little everyday as He shows me how to do things.
    I’m still having trouble getting my logo to be transparent or having the background come through (without having to pay) but it’s fine for now and Erin I made it a little more personable and added my RJ as a page.

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