Devourer, Pharisees, and Meltdown

Devourer, Pharisees, and Meltdown

What do all these words have to do with one another? Well, they are the highlight of my Friday, August 4th morning. After we got all excited by how we were going to merge HOPE, LOVE, and HMG to the 3C RRR, and the easy method He led us to use, we completely forgot that before ANYTHING, before paying invoiced the RMI tithe and offering-YOUR tithes and offering-must be paid and seen in our bank vault "we are not ignorant to His schemes." So that covers the Devourer, well, almost. Here's the WSP discussion that prompted me to post this praise:

Yvonne vd Hoff: I just want to make sure so we can prepare the ladies. They will only get paid after the amount shows in the BOA or after you are able to see in Paypal that it is paid.

Erin Thiele: Yes, I'lI prepare praise about this morning's meltdown with the emphasis on making sure THEIR tithe is paid to RMI and the risk of the devourer plus first fruits.

So the protocol will also use Adina's new JrBK roll. We moved her into Sara's BK position but because we also discovered a way to easily share each other's offerings, it opened the opportunity for us to use her to use the PayPal Statement and tag Yvonne, who then tags me, with the amount being transferred (the tithe and offering) for the 5 accounts. Adina prepares, Yvonne confirms, then I come back with confirmation it's in the bank vault. 3C isn't easily broken, and because this is IMPORTANT for everyone, it's His way also lessens the heaviness, so it's not a burden.


If we are adamant about following the principles of tithing, like tithe first, then for us to not follow or believe we are immune, puts us in the Pharisee category. No thank you!


So my meltdown happened after I realized we'd failed to tithe FIRST, and invoices had been paid days ago. All of a sudden, I was transported back to when I lost EVERYTHING. GOD had set me up. He knew I needed to learn the importance of tithing, what's at stake for every woman who fails to tithe or steal from God. But also because without this happening, losing everything (home, ministry, children, country), then LOVE@last ministry would never have been because the Abundant Life Series would never have been written.

To compound this, it was just yesterday that both Yvonne and I found out that the AW has been spying on us--me with my wLL series. GOD used it for good. First, I finally understand why I have my personal website, for FAMILY and close FRIENDS, which I'm following as HLM to post the link to each YouTube video along with the password to each video.

Not surprisingly, I hit a dead-end because there is no way to password-protect YouTube videos. Stunned I waited to hear what my Husband wanted me to do, and immediately I remembered Vimeo, where we've safely kept our Be Encouraged videos for years. Just now, my Husband also reminded me of what Yvonne successfully accomplished by uploading her videos to Google Drive, whereby all the MTMs who already have access could easily open them. In the same way, I wouldn't be surprised if this wouldn't be easier to do sharing with everyone who tithed the month before, and as you'll witness in this video, with each Ministry sharing with their partners, they KNOW each person, and if not, they can simply click the X and not share the videos.


Partners = FAMILY

What Does it Mean to Become a πŸ’– PARTNER?


BONUS video

I want to show you a new discovery HLM to use twice before that allows me to use a screenshot and copy the text so I NO longer lose when I am locked out.

Lost and Found

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6 thoughts on “Devourer, Pharisees, and Meltdown”

  1. Thank you for sharing this!!! Praise the Lord He is leading us to put Him first always!!! He is our best protection and I agree to put Him first on everything!!! πŸ’Ÿ

  2. Something similar happened to me with the last payment, I had in mind to tithe from an external job and deduct it from my RMI invoice, however, I forgot and sent the invoice without the discount, but the next morning my Beloved reminded me, woke up wide-eyed just like when you know you forgot something important and all on my mind was “I didn’t tithe on the other job” lol which I did immediately through PayPal and luckily I hadn’t made any other payments yet, we are fortunate to have Him reminding us and helping us.

  3. Thank you for sharing the importance of tithing. I see now in my life how important it is and would like to share with you my struggle.
    I receive my outside job salary on the twentieth of each month. In addition, I have automatic amounts that are deducted for various accounts (this is how it works in the Netherlands). Previously, I transferred my tenth to RMI immediately after receiving my salary via the Paypal logo. Now that we work in a different way that means I can’t give my tithing until 10 days after receiving it. But the Lord knows my heart and my desires. Although it is going very well, I also notice small irregularities that were not necessary.

    Please, is there any possibility that I could transfer my outside job tithing sooner?

    1. Kristine, I’m sure your Husband has a plan. Has He shown you anything when you asked Him? He’s leading us to explore many paths to make tithing easy and light. We’ll be agreeing with you using these promises and what we discover will help MANY women too!

      “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6

      β€œEnter by the NARROW gate; for the gate is wide, and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and many are those who enter by it. For the gate is small, and the way is NARROW that leads to life, and few are those who find it.” Matthew 7:13-14

      β€œTake My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light.” Matthew 11:29-30

      β€œI will go before you, and make the crooked path straight. I will smooth the way, lower the heights, break down bronze doors, and cut through iron bars.” Isaiah 45:2

  4. Yes, just go to your invoice for the upcoming month (Yvonne and I created September for you), and the moment you’re paid, document and “give” your tithe. Doneβ€”it’s been paid to RMI your storehouse.

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