Getting a 404 when you are not logged in?

It is amazing how our Husband works. When you are not signed it to a website, but you follow a link, you sometimes get a 404 error for page not found. This is very frustrating because you don’t know why you are getting the error. In one of our meetings, Erin and I discussed it and Erin said, He showed her such and easy fix and we went in to find the fix, but try as we might, we just could not find it. Then we just gave up. A few days ago, I was working on the IOU site and I was looking for something totally different, but then my Husband showed me the quick Fix for this.

I made a video and added it to IOU page:

WP WordPress

I neglected to write a praise, so here is my praise to thank Him for His wisdom.

Ladies, please go ahead and make this change on your websites, so that the ladies coming there will not get this error, but will instead be directed to the login page.

Posted in: Uncategorized

3 thoughts on “Getting a 404 when you are not logged in?”

  1. Thanks so much, Yvonne! And thank you also for helping me to understand that this does not eliminate the 404 notice, but only when the notice displays due to opening an unpublished, link when you’re not logged in. 🀩🀩 very easy to do by the way!

  2. thank you for the video, the ESP and FRA sites have been updated and the instructions are very easy to follow.

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