🥳🎉Happy Birthday Anastasia🥳🎉

Hello beautiful ladies, April 2nd is our dearest Anastasia's birthday!!!! What a joy to be able to celebrate with her!!!

Dear Anastasia, today is a day to celebrate and thank our Beloved for your life and her happiness. May in this new year all challenges become overcoming and conquering, may every lesson become wisdom, and may all joy be intense and infinite! 🥰

May the Lord bless you, today and always with the best graces.

Have a happy and blessed birthday! 🥳🎂🥳❤️

Please leave Anastasia the gift of a promise as a comment after talking to her Husband to make it as special as she is!!

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29 thoughts on “🥳🎉Happy Birthday Anastasia🥳🎉”

  1. Happy, happy, happy birthday, Ana!!! Just having celebrated my birthday. I have to say besides hearing from each of you and seeing the radiant faces of all of you whom I love 💗 so dearly. My favorite part was the gift 🎁 of promises. So I asked my husband what promise we should give you and I think you’ll be very surprised.

    Then God remembered Rachel’s plight and answered her prayers by enabling her to have children.


    However, this is the one He brought to mind first. https://biblehub.com/1_samuel/1-17.htm

    “Then Eli answered and said, “Go in peace; and may the God of Israel grant your request that you have asked of Him.”

    We know that God blessed this mother who waited to give birth to a prophet. 🥳 Samuel



    1. My words are insufficient to express the different emotions I went through when my Husband took me to read these promises, I’m not sure you know about my LONG and seemingly IMPOSSIBLE journey to conceive, even as I write it I can’t imagine how He will do it, but I don’t need to know the way he’ll do it as long as I have His promise, I’ll put my reasoning aside and let Him stay in control. Thank you for following His led by sharing a tremendous promise 💖 I would have done it with so much fear perhaps after 3 confirmations hahaha !! God bless you for so many blessings that you have given me Erin, without knowing it, but your journey and your testimony still blesses and inspires me now. To finish I share with youmy testimony of praise for my birthday https://encouragingwomen.org/giifts-that-money-cannot-buy/

      1. With many things as important as this, I may have pulled back. However, the history, my husband and I have had regarding women like you who have been told that they cannot conceive, but who MIRACULOUSLY did confounding the doctors is extensive!! As a matter fact, in the mega church, we used to attend where four of my children found their spouses, my EH, and I were asked to pray in front of the church with other couples. Many. MANY would make sure to stand in our line just so that I will pray for them to have a child. Most of the time they would be crying buckets of tears, but soon painful, empty tears, they cried for tears of joy, because GOD is FAITHFUL, and he loves to do the impossible.
        One woman who became a very close friend of mine, the friend who ultimately chose our family for Silverdollar city commercials and billboards, was told she could not conceive. PERIOD. The next thing we knew she was pregnant, but sadly miscarried only confirming the lies that I’ve been told to her over and over. But I told her now, she would conceive, and she would give birth, and she did to a son. Drew is a teenager now and his life has changed not just their life as a couple but it’s touch many other lives.
        This gift was not just from me, and from me and my Husband. “So wait for it, it will surely come.”

    1. Dear Paula, thank you so much for this promise that I LOVE, thank you for take time to bless me with His word 😘

  2. Happy happy birthday dear Anastasia
    You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.
    May the Lord bless you dear Anastasia.

  3. Dear and sweet Anastasia, happy happy Birthday!!! I wish you all the best, enjoy your day with all your beloved ones and with your Beloved HH!!

    Here is a promise for you:

    “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” declares the Lord. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways And My thoughts than your thoughts.”

    Happy Birthday!!!!🥳🎉❤️

    1. Definitely, His ways and thoughts are not mine!! Praise the Lord for that because I can not imagine all the amazing things He will do for me… I trust It is His word to confirm the way I felt with the promises shared by Erin.

    1. Amiga linda muchas gracias por esta promesa y hermoso regalo que me das en este día 💖🎁
      Voy a vivir muchos años!!! 🥳🥳🥳

  4. My dear Anastasia, Happy birthday!! May our Beloved bless you abundantly!!!

    “From birth I have relied on you; you brought me forth from my mother’s womb. I will ever praise you. I have become a sign to many; you are my strong refuge. My mouth is filled with your praise, declaring yours Splendour all day long.”

    1. Dear Sara, thank you for your message and for sharing this lovely promise with me… I felt so much loved by my Husband through this Word.

  5. Happy Birthday my dear Anastasia, I hope you had a beautiful day with you Husband and family and that you were blessed and spoiled on your special day 🥳🥳🎉🎉

    “The LORD your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing.” Z317

    1. I rejoice with Him from now on!! 🥳🥳 I am so excited because each promise increases my expectation of what is to be done!!! 🥳🥳🥳
      Thank you my dear Adina 💖

    1. Jajajaja OMG!! It is not a coincidence that I read this promise when my faith is so high!! 🥳🥳🥳
      Thank you for sharing my dear Atarah!! ❤️

  6. Happy Birthday, Anastasia!!! Here is my promise for you:
    “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.”’

  7. Muchas felicidades querida Anastasia. Que tu Amado te haya obsequiado el tiempo mas preciado con tus seres queridos y que ademas te siga llenando de bendiciones principalmente en la salud para que sigas celebrando muchos muchos años más a su lado. Con este nuevo año viene mas sabiduría, mas madurez y mas amor para compartir con todas aquellas personas que él ponga a tu lado. Deseo que tu cumpleaños sea el comienzo de una celebración perpetua!!! Te quiero mucho nenita!

  8. Querida Anastasia, amiga bella, estoy feliz y doy gracias a nuestro Amado por tu vida, por tu aporte y por el corazón maravilloso que tienes para servir, sé que este nuevo año traerá nuevas bendiciones y tus ojos verán nuevos deseos de corazón cumplidos; hermosa me emocionan estas promesas que acabo de ver y me emociona ver el amor con el que el Señor te va a cubrir en este nuevo año de vida.
    Esta es la Palabra que mi Amado me dio para ti: “Grábame como un sello sobre tu corazón; llévame como una marca sobre tu brazo.”

    1. Querida Perlita, creo que conoces mucho y muy de cerca mi viaje, sabes el significado que tienen para mi estas promesas…siento que con esta promesa cierro el día con broche de oro! Gracias por tus lindos deseos y palabras 💖

  9. Hello Anastasia,

    Happy Happy Birthday to you🥳💃🎁🌹🙏

    Beautifull Bride, this is the promise that i would like to give you.

    Isaiah 58:11
    New International Version
    11 The Lord will guide you always;
    he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land
    and will strengthen your frame.
    You will be like a well-watered garden,
    like a spring whose waters never fail.

    Your relationship with your Heavenly Husband will be one with great blessings and prospers.

    Much Love from me💝

    1. Dear Kristin!! Thank you very much for your message and for SG for a promise to me! She is just beautiful!! THANKSSSSSS 💖

  10. Belated but hoping you had a very happy birthday with your Beloved Husband who I know has the Best prepared for you on this next new step and new year He has bless you with. I admire you and how you share how He works and take care of you, but specially how He has made so many changes in you and is still changing you, Anastasia I know some of your heart desires because you have shared it with us and I love that promised Erin Shared for you it gave me the chills so I cant imagine how you felt But I know He has some big plans for you and like you mentioned the other day on our meeting faith and patience goes together and when the time is right you will have what He has promised you. So this is my promised for you. “Now faith is being sure we will get what we hope for. It is being sure of what we cannot see.”Heb: 11:1 Never lose faith during the wait. Love you 🎁🎉🎈🎊❤️

    1. Querida Jewel, hasta ahora leo tu mensaje, muchas gracias por la promesa 💖 Si se que ustedes sabían muy bien el proceso por el que mi Amado me ha llevado desde que nació el deseo de la maternidad y es lindo saber que están viendo esto suceder en primera fila!! Gracias por todo el amor que me compartes con tus lindas palabras. Te quiero mucho!!

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