Tasks Advances

Today I want to praise my Heavenly Husband because I have advanced a lot in my tasks today. First I was able to update the Alumni page with the ladies that were here for a season as well as the TRL page.
Then I worked to update the W@H page for the SLV to add the link of the chapters on the intro page. After that, I tried the Mailpoet plugin on WP to create the Prayer Team Newsletter for January. Poppy helped me with the access and the overview of the plugin and then I had fun building the Newsletter, it is actually very similar to Mailchimp and very light and easy!!! I record a video for Marta in the PTG team so she can have an overview of this plugin.
I also was in the RM Q&A session this morning, we had 2 very interesting questions.
Then I worked in my ESP Tasks, I finish to update the lesson buttons for all the courses, review my patients, and worked on the Psalm 123 post for TG.
After that I finish the step 1 of my plugins task and started step 2, I will wait for Yvonne’s feedback.
I am just thankful with the Lord because He organize my day, and I got a lot done.
“Try to realize what this means—the Lord is God! He made us—we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.” P1003

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