Check your websites JrADM

Hi ladies, here is the first video on how to check your websites. Today, I will start including you all in the WSP groups as well as move you up to ADM, if any of you don't want to think you are ready for this, please let us know. In order for us to move you up, your profile needs to be updated with your profile pic and your bio.

We will be working towards getting the breakdown of the training to move from a JrADM "Junior Administrator" to a "Senior Administrator" and the corresponding courses taught by our Senior ADM here:Β 


4 thoughts on “Check your websites JrADM”

  1. THANK YOU, Yvonne. I will follow your video and the list HLM to do:

    1. Change the TRL to YOUR Language
    2. ULike red, look for Ministers
    3. Check plugins
    4. Comment TRL to approve
    5. SPAM comments, carefully delete
    6. Approve posts
    7. Simple History
    8. Log OUT
    9. FlyWheel does Site Health

    *It would be lovely to have video chapters to link these steps.

  2. Another thing HLM when watching this portion
    was to draft a comment you and your Minister or Missionary can use to REPLY to their most recent post:
    Congratulations NAME! Thank You for being one of our MTA “Ministry Team Apprentices,” which you’ll see we added to your profile name that will show up the next time you post praise. We would LOVE for you to speak to your Husband about formally becoming an Intern since we are fairly confident you’ve already taken some or many of our courses. If you haven’t enrolled, here’s the

  3. Thanks Yvonne for the video. When you show in the video the options in WP for daily checking, for me in the PTG blog and in the FRA all these options do not appear, should they?
    Thank you for everything my dear.

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