Calling NRP Formatters

Hello ladies, as we are moving forward with our covers and RJN novel, I would like to call all those who format books and also invite YOU who have the desire to learn how to format books to join NarrowRoad Publishing House. πŸ“šπŸ€—

We have a few books that were ready for the formatting process, but we have a few ladies.

β€œThe harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest. ”

If you are interested, please let me know by adding a comment below. I am very excited to see many more books being published, at the moment NRP has published 102 books!! We want to see many more books being shared around the world. 🀩
If you are not sure about formatting books, but have a heart for help organizing things, please also let me know. I can’t wait to see what He is going to do. πŸ’—πŸ₯°

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15 thoughts on “Calling NRP Formatters”

    1. That’s exciting Janine, I am so happy to hear it. We have videos that the ladies all used and helped them, that you can also watch πŸ˜€

      Some of the videos are outdated and some of the platforms we used to communicate, but the formatting process is the same. You can get familiar with some of the things and I hope you will join NRP team πŸ™‚

  1. Dear Sara, I don’t know how I can help format books, but I would love to learn if possible.

    1. Ariele my dear, so good to see you here, you have such a gift for formatting, glad that you want to continue to help. I already have the next book for you πŸ˜‰

  2. Wow, what a wonderful response. This is amazing. Amazing!
    Maybe you’ve already thought of it, but maybe not, but it would be wonderful if on your website NRP you could utilize the profile grid and create groups like this one! FORMATTERS so you can see who is available to reach out to and if anyone feels her husband is moving them onto something else they can just remove themselves from the group. I know Adina and Isabella are excellent with this, and can easily do it for you and then bless them with a financial gift. You can take it out of your spreadsheet, but also do you have access to the PayPal debit card, but that does include fees. Regardless, just follow your husband and remember to keep up with your ERRORS because you get to claim double, Sara 😊

    1. Thank you, Erin, I would love help from Adina or Isabella with the profile grid, I would like to get things like our checklist for formatting available on our site and of course creating groups to reach out to the ladies, in a way everybody will be able to see what the books we have in progress and much more. So, I am calling out here for help with the NRP team; D

      1. Hello my dear I will love to help you!! As a formatter or with profile grid. Let me know how I can help you 🀩

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