Happy Birthday dear Marta🎈

It’s never too late to celebrate!!
Please come and join us to wish Marta the best new year of living ❤️‍🔥 and leave a promise gift 🎁 below to her.

21 thoughts on “Happy Birthday dear Marta🎈”

  1. Happy happy birthday dear Marta, hope you have a very blessed birthday, filled with so much love, peace and joy.
    I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being E3:16 (https://biblehub.com/ephesians/3-16.htm)
    And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. 2C9:8

    1. Thank you sweet Janine, for the congratulations, I really had a beautiful and blessed day.🙏🏻
      Thank you for the wonderful promises.🌷

  2. Happy birthday my dear Marta 🎈, I hope that this new year of life brings you many new blessings. May our Beloved surround you with his love and take you to new heights: “He has equipped me with the shield that is your salvation, Your gentleness[a] has made me great. You’ve made room beneath me for my footsteps, and my feet didn’t slip. I pursued my enemies and conquered them; I didn’t return until they were consumed.” 2S223638

    1. My sweet Perlita, thank you for the words, and for this promise that has been so real in my life, where He has been my shield and has supported me, so that my feet do not slip.🙏🏻
      Kisses my dear🌷

  3. Hello dear Martha,

    congratulations on your birthday🥳. With your Beloved and loved ones by your side, I hope you have had a very blessed and joyful day. You have been given a new year by your Husband, in which He will help you rise even higher. To make all your desires and wishes that are in your heart come true. I have for you from Him,

    “Remember the word of your servant, because you have given me hope; this is my comfort in my affliction, that your promise gives me life.”P11949

    1. Wow dear Kristine, I am excited and happy that He has granted me to live another year of life, Woohoo.🌷
      Thank you for this promise that brings me life and comfort at all times.🙏🏻

  4. Feliz aniversário meu querida amiga, que nosso Amado Senhor cubra sua vida de bênçãos. Você é uma bênção para minha vida e para todas as mulheres que você ministra. Continue crescendo no Senhor
    “Os encantos são enganosos, e a beleza não dura para sempre,
    mas a mulher que teme o Senhor será elogiada.
    Recompensem-na por tudo que ela faz;
    que suas obras a elogiem publicamente” P313031

    1. Oh dear Isabella, you are an example for me of dedication and love for the Lord’s work.🌷
      This promise came to my heart that day, and my Beloved knew that I needed to renew my mind with it.
      Thank you, beautiful friend, for your words and your promise.🙏🏻

  5. Dear dear sweet Marta happy happy happy birthday. 🥳 🎈 🎂 your birthday is just the day before my sweet, sweet granddaughter’s that were already celebrating because she’s lived way past what they said, but what do they know? Who knows? God knows!
    And God knows that you’ve been a huge blessing for so many years and what an honor it has been to have you with us while I watch your sweet daughter, Brincy grow up 💗💗💗💗
    Now it’s time for your present 🎁 from the two of us, which I’m going to leave to my husband to pick out for you.

    Ahhh what a Sweetheart 💗💗 He told me to open up my Alexander Scourby app, puzzled I opened it, and this is what was on my screen…

    “Who is My mother and who are My brothers?” For whoever does the will of My Father who is in heaven, he is My brother and sister and mother.”

    Happy birthday, sweet sister 🤗😘😘

    1. Oh dear beloved sister Erin, they really don’t know anything. My mother was told that I wouldn’t live long, and while she lived, she told everyone that I am a miracle from the Lord, as she had been misled by the doctors. And now here I am, letting Him guide me to take care of my princess Brincy…🌷
      I loved my gift!!! Thank you for sharing this verse that unites us more with Him and with each other every day.🙏🏻

      1. Oh Marta, I should have known!!

        You know my mother was told she was going to die unless she aborted me and she lived until 82 and praise God, she ignored them so I could live too!!

        Now that I know your history, “HIS Story” let’s agree we can begin doing more with https://loveatlast.org/ryh/ so you and other brides can confirm this TRUTH!!

  6. Happy Birthday Marta 🎉 I hope you have a nice relaxing blessed day. ❤️

    “The heavens tell the glory of God. And the skies announce what his hands have made.” Ps19

    1. Yes, I did, dear Hope, a very happy and blessed day.🌷
      Thank you for the shared verse.🙏🏻

  7. Marta minha linda e querida amiga, muitas felicidades!!! Louvo a Deus pela sua vida e agradeço ao Senhor por ter te colocado na minha vida!!! Amo muito muito você, minha amiga querida!!🎉🎂😘🌹💖

    Que nosso Amado te abençoe sempre e te conceda os desejos do seu coração! Minha promessa para você:

    “Tu me mostrarás o caminho da vida e me darás a alegria de Tua presença
    e o prazer de viver conTigo para sempre.” S1611

    1. Oh amiga linda, sou tão feliz em tê-la conhecido nessa jornada, você é um presente Dele para a minha vida. Amo muito você também querida.🌷
      Obrigada por essa passagem tão maravilhosa..🙏🏻

  8. Happy Birthday Marta sorry i was just able to make it to the party but I am here to wish you a lot of blessings from our beloved in your life enjoy HIs goodness ❤️❤️🎈
    Jeremiah 1:5 NIV
    “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
    before you were born I set you apart;
    I appointed you as a prophet to the nations. ”

    1. Thank you dear Jewel. I receive all the blessings you wish for me. I love this verse and I thank you for this gift that really cheered and encouraged me that day.🙏🏻🌷

  9. Feliz aniversário Marta querida!!! Espero que seu dia tenha sido muito abençoado pelo nosso Amado e que Ele tenha concedido os desejos do seu coração!! Que este próximo ano seja de muitas bençãos e vitórias amiga lindaa!! Amo muito você e agradeço ao Senhor pela sua vida!! 😘🌹💖🎉🎂
    Que o Seu amor a envolva sempre em seus braços e que Ele seja a sua companhia diária!!!

    “O nome do Senhor é uma torre forte; os justos correm para ela e estão seguros.” Provérbios 18:10

    1. Oh doce Elisa, obrigada pelas felicitações. Você sempre doce e amável em tudo, é um presente de Deus para todas nós.
      Amo muito você também querida.🌷
      Obrigada por essa passagem tão maravilhosa.🙏🏻

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