He showed us Even more on tithing

Ladies, our Husband showed us a light and easy way that we can pay our tithes first and then pay the invoices and that is to move the invoice date to the 15th of every month. After I spoke to Erin, she left this message for me so I am leaving it here for you:

Erin: "If you're in agreement, then let's get the rest of the LMF to agree, they should know WHY, they have NOT always been safe bc if we don't tithe FIRST, then they, we are ALL at risk."

Instead of all of us being at risk, let's do what He wants us to do. I would love to hear from each of you on how we can transition to this. Please leave your comments here so we can all be of one mind and body moving forward.

One thing is sure, on the 1st of September we cannot pay any invoices until the tithe has been paid and that would be around the 5th of September. Working with this knowledge in mind, go to Him and ask Him what He wants us to do.

"The human body has many parts, but the many parts make up one whole body. So it is with the body of Christ."

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12 thoughts on “He showed us Even more on tithing”

  1. Thank Yvonne and Erin, I agree 100% ❣️This is another breakthrough for sure! We are always thinking of “invoice period”and now we will think about “tithing period”πŸ™Œ
    I confess I feel the burden lifted from our shoulders, thank YOU Lord!!!!πŸ™Œ

    1. My goodness, Paula, you always share something I need to ponder. β€œtithing period” YES, that’s exactly it! πŸ™Œ

  2. Thank you for sharing!! I agree that our Beloved should be first in everything and the tithes and offerings are the first thing. πŸ’
    Praise the Lord that He showed us, the importance of obedience always and to surrender.
    In my personal case, and after SG this early morning, I rather stay with the payment on the 5th of each month, because I moved all my payments to the 6th (insurance, bank loans, data services, electricity, and water) πŸ˜… and now they donΒ΄t allow me to move them back as I had them. Hope this makes sense. Thank you so much πŸ€—

  3. Thank you for letting us know what HE showed you πŸ™Œ l would always want to be protected from the devourer 1ST and then l know that HE will take care of everything else πŸ’– πŸ’― SG like lsabella i would not want to change payment dates again.. So this is fine with me πŸ‘Œ

  4. Thank you for sharing what He showed you about obedience and the importance of being protectedπŸ™Œ I agree that tithes must be paid first. πŸ’—
    I have been SG about it and would prefer being paid on the 5th.

  5. Thank you for letting us know what He showed you, and I totally agree, as I saw my journey completely change when I learned here about paying my tithing first.❀️
    SG and for me if it is possible to pay the invoice on the 5th that would be great.πŸ₯°

  6. Like each of you, I feel entirely grateful to have learned the principle of tithing that has kept me protected from the Devourer. Thank you very much for taking care of us by following His lead regarding the paying of the ministry tithe first, which encourages me to be very attentive to the tithes of the ladies of ESP LMF so that all are reported on time.
    Any date you choose is fine for me, the 5th or the 15th.

  7. As i read I can identify my self with the other ladies and the changes of dates and really, He reminded me that that with getting paid on the 15th both paydates falls almost same for me with the (outside job) so iΒ΄d get to pay the tithes first and at the same time for both, but because also my debts are due before and by the 15th, I feel lead to stay with pay date on the 5th.

  8. Thank you for sharing what He leads you to do Yvonne!! I agree with you and with all the other ladies that commented before! He has always to be the the First πŸŒ·πŸ™Œ

    For me there is no problem to be paid on the 5th. 😘

  9. One of the greatest blessings that I have learned since my Beloved introduced me to the Ministry is the importance of tithing, I still remember with emotion that I gave my first tithe to my Store and I remember that my joy was so great that I did it before using a penny for anything else, my Beloved has been faithful, so I cannot be against giving the tithe first, which is what my Beloved has led you to, I thank you so that we continue to be protected from the devourer. In matters of payment, he agrees with the majority that day 5 would be perfect for me.

  10. Thank you Yvonne for sharing what He has shown you.

    I agree with all the other brides that He should come first in receiving our tithing❀. My life has changed completely for the better the moment He gave me the wisdom of what tithing means. He has been so loving and faithful and I definitely want to give this back to Him. Surely I want to have the optimum assurance of his protection and blessings 🫢.
    To move the invoice date to the 5th would be fine with me🀩

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