Podcast IOU Course? 🤷🏻‍♀️

May I first begin my praise with sharing how much I’m enjoying being the podcast “special” guest?
Next I wanted to say how amazed I was when discussing about offering a course for podcasts hosts (and I suppose guests as well) because this is the first time my husband reminded me about the years I was blessed to experience being a guest, but not in a Podcasts, because it wasn’t invented back at that time. Instead, it was as a guest on the radio when I was a speaker for pro-life, which was mostly in a hostile environment.
So my question is: Is there anyone who would be interested in learning how to be a better host based on my own experience as a guest on radio talk shows and what I’ve been learning most recently as the guest on Podcasts? Normally I would have just gone ahead and created the content; however, I’ve had to come to terms with the fact that I am not the teacher I believe myself to be, nor am I the leader, I assumed I was. So from this place of being humbled, my husband told me to post and ask. Simple enough. 😉
So please let me know, and if there’s no interest, I’m sure my husband has other things for me. 🤗🥰

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13 thoughts on “Podcast IOU Course? 🤷🏻‍♀️”

  1. Oh oh what a closer point. On my working place in an enthusiastic joke I told my new group manager that it would be nice to start podcasting about different topics. I don’t know why I said that because I’ve never done it, just watched others do it. I was not aware that my manager would take it seriously. But that did happen. Yesterday Tuesday April 25th I got permission to start making podcast recordings. I am still in disbelief and extremely nervous.
    And now I read your question Erin….please be an encouraging older lady. I feel in my heart that this is an affirmation, an open door to share the good news and I would be honored to learn how to become a good host.

  2. I would love to learn from you Erin because this is something I am not always very comfortable with 😄, not like creating logos or doing the behind the scenes stuff 😄

    1. Please I would love love love to learn from you Erin. I get so on my nerves that I end up having to start over. The one I did with my sister over the weekend we dis so many times over especially because it was so sensitive subject, we would say something and then stop.and agree and say no we can’t say that over the air. So getting knowledge and wisdom from you will be so great.

  3. This will be an advantage for our LMFs as well as the ladies coming here wanting to start their own ministry. Personally, I would also love to learn from you. ❤️

  4. Thank you! I am honored and humbled. Please be assured that it will be my husband and I will teach this together. “Apart for Me, you can do nothing.“
    From my phone, my husband and I added this page to allow for questions, and I have envisioned, YouTube answers— after laying the foundation of some of wisdom I’ve gained through the few podcast I was honored to be the guest on.
    So leave any further comments that are accolades or confirmations, that you agree, and would like this course HERE.
    Then bookmark the RMIOU page to leave comments that are more of questions or anything you can contribute that your husband taught you while hosting— many, most or all will be coming from mistakes made that he enjoys working for GOOD. 🤗🤗🤗

        1. It’s fixed…. but IF you see things like this, let’s agree to help each other out, seeing you and some others have access…I can’t tell you how much that would mean to me for helping me and for helping each other since we’re family.
          GOD used it for GOOD because there’s an issue on that website. I saw there were 5 ADM, so trying to move two down to EDITOR, it wouldn’t allow me. There’s extra stuff in the profiles that might be the issue…

  5. Yes Yes count me in 🙋‍♀️ now that we are doing so much more podcasts it would be the perfect thing to learn.

  6. Dear Erin, this is fantastic and I would love to learn from you…
    Thank you for your availability and affection with us.

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