Letting go of Profile Grid

Is it time for us to just let go of Profile Grid? I know that HomeGrown Ministries currently use it for their second blog, but as Erin said in the previous post: “Letโ€™s add a separate blog post to discuss this plugin and exploring other options. HOWEVER before I could type that thought my Husband reminded me HIS PLAN doesnโ€™t appear until we LET GO.”
Let’s let go of Profile Grid and see what He shows.
Isabella, can you read this page and see if is helpful:

How would I run multiple blogs off one website for different topics?

7 thoughts on “Letting go of Profile Grid”

  1. You can only create one blog per WordPress installation. Within that blog, you can have multiple categories, or topics.
    That is what they suggest!
    I will move the praise to the main blog and then see how the Lord leads!

    1. Isabella, thank you for waiting!

      “They that WAIT upon the Lord shall renew their strength, mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary” and your example, our example will help A Wise Woman in WAITING who we are asking to WAIT so we must be the example, understand the difficulties in WAITING so we have the compassion and understanding our daughters and granddaughters will need like never before.

      As you may have read in our WEB$ WhatsApp Group, I confirmed what Adina said about letting go,

      “Agreed, LET GO of Profile Grid but give the PG users a date it is going away in case they want to save any info. In the announcement, please close with “Thank you for your prayers ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿปand patience,๐Ÿ’– Now please join us in SSG for His perfect plan to replace this plugin with something better.๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿป๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿป๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿป

      Another VALUABLE principle is LETTING GO of what we instinctively want to hold onto, so our daughters and granddaughters will see the fruits of our letting go.

      1. Agreed. And forgive me if this is premature, but HLM to search for
        10 Best WordPress User Profile Plugins
        Several that were listed here and on another blog reviewing the pluginsโ€”we’ve tried unsuccessfully.
        The one I like is JetEngine Profile Builder (Premium)
        ๐Ÿ† Best for building user-accessible profiles.
        This is EXACTLY what I want what is best for the users, so we can know them in an understanding way, we can see their radiant profile pictures and…
        the example shows Register as a Teacher, Register as a Student, which is one HUGE thing I asked my Husband.
        Can’t exactly see if the pricing confirms this IS a good investment or we need to keep SSG.

  2. I created a new RF Registration page in WPForms https://loveatlast.org/rf-registration/ based on the PG registration form https://loveatlast.org/restoration-fellowship-registration/

    So this is what He showed me:
    1) replace the PG registration form with the WPFORM
    2) Completing the form will not register them on a group, it is basically a request to invite them to the fellowship calendar event, much like we used to do when ladies indicated on their journals that they want to join.
    3) The email-address they provide will be the address that is added to the calendar event
    4) The weekly lessons will be posted on the blog and I will send a calendar reminder with the lesson and Zoom link weekly.
    5) The ladies that are currently registered in the group, can be automatically invited to the event, but I will post it in the blog before I invite them.

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