I would like to address a question I received about WPB2: before moving on to WPB3:

"I am not able to change the font color back to black, it just doesnt get changed... i selected only a paragraph and the whole text turned pink and now i am not able to make it black again by selecting the black color"

Please watch the video:

The following video will demonstrate how your linked URL shouldn't appear in a post.

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8 thoughts on “Q&A-WPB2”

  1. Thanks so much Adina for your help! Well noted.

  2. Hello dear Adina, the DUTCH WP has not the beaver builder option if your are making a post.
    Is that correct?
    will or should that be changed?

    if it not going to be changed

    if it’s not going to change, is it possible to make a video to show how to properly create the post without the Beaver Builder option?

    1. Hi Dear Kristine, no it is not correct. You should have Beaver Builder in your post. In the Beaver builder settings, it gives you the option if you want it in Pages and Posts. I fixed it now for you as you don’t have access to those settings.
      Adina, for future reference, if you want to make an advanced video it is:
      Settings >> Beaver builder >> Post Types
      and then you just select Post, Pages, Mailpoet Pages

      1. Thank you, Yvonne, for sharing this, I did not know it was a option, but I will make a video for it.

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